The Bethlehem Area Vocational-Technical School (BAVTS) is an educational partnership with the Bethlehem Area, Northampton Area, and Saucon Valley school districts. The school is Located in Bethlehem Township, Northampton County, Pennsylvania. BAVTS serves, approximately, 1,300 students on a half-day about a delivery system (students spend ½ day at their sending high school and ½ day at our facility) through career and technical instruction in twenty-seven (27) unique programs of study
within seven career clusters.
BAVTS is a student-centered career and technical facility working to meet the needs of our diverse student population through challenging, integrated
educational experiences of curriculum and community
support. In cooperation with all of our shareholders,
we provide a roadmap for success regardless of what
career path our students choose.
BAVTS provides the necessary career paths, supports
and training to ensure success for all students
throughout their secondary, post-secondary and
working careers. We are assisted in this process
through our partnerships in education: parents,
sending districts, business/industry, and
post-secondary institutions. We recognize and appreciate our diverse student population and will work together to build individual foundations that support lifelong goals.
Our philosophy at BAVTS is to provide student-centered career education that enhances academic goals while at the same time meets the needs of our
diverse population and schedules. We strive to
provide the leadership and support that is necessary
at all levels of instruction so that organizational
missions and goals can be attained.
The Bethlehem Area Vocational-Technical School does not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex,
disability or age in its programs or activities and provides
equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth
groups. Inquiries may be directed to the Bethlehem Area
Vocational Technical School’s Business Administrator, Title IX and
Section 504 Coordinator, at 3300 Chester Avenue, Bethlehem, PA
18020, via e-mail at complianceofficer@bavts.org or by phone at 610-866-8013, ext. 105.
BAVTS Overview!
BAVTS Student Trip to Germany 2023
Office Hours
Mon - Fri 7:30am - 4:00pm
Sat Closed
Sun Closed